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BCSR New Directions in Theology Grants for Second-Year Graduate Students | Call for Applications

jfernandez News

BCSR is offering up to four grants in the amount of $5,000 each for graduate students in their second year of study in 2018-2019.* New Directions grants are provided by BCSR through the Public Theology Program, a critical three-year research initiative funded by the Henry Luce Foundation. Grantees participate in a cohort of early-career students from diverse disciplines to explore the place of theology in scholarship and public life. Theology is here meant broadly as the constellation of conceptual commitments and modes of inquiry that enable communities to investigate and understand the world in religious terms.


The New Directions in Theology cohort includes incoming first-year and continuing second-year graduate students. Together with the cohort directors, students will meet biweekly to read fundamental works, to explore potential research topics, and to meet Berkeley and visiting faculty working in the field. The seminar will encompass a wide variety of religious traditions and approaches, including but not limited to: theology and the institutions of secular life; theological aspects of politics; theology and law; art, literature, and theological inquiry; theology and social formations, and so on.

Applications are welcome from UC Berkeley Ph.D. students from all relevant disciplines in the humanities and social sciences whose work promises to advance the goals of the New Directions in Theology Grants program.

* Students transitioning from a terminal MA program to the first year of a Ph.D. program are considered eligible.

To apply, please submit:

  • A 1,500-word description of your research interests and/or dissertation project, making clear the connection between these and the larger research aims described above.
  • One letter of recommendation (under separate cover).
  • CV

Completed applications (including all supporting materials) should be submitted to BCSR directors at info.bcsr@berkeley.edu and received by Monday, March 19. Please send materials as a single PDF. Applicants can expect to hear from BCSR by the end of the Spring 2018 semester.


Deadline for Applications: Monday, March 19, 2018 by 4 pm
Award Announced: Week of May 1
Award Period: 2018-19 Academic Year
Award Amount: $5,000 in supplemental funding